
Public engagement

• Karl Magnus Johansson, “Här är ministrarna som märkts mest – och minst” [Here are the ministers who have been noticed the most - and the least], Dagens Nyheter, 9 January 2024. 

• Karl Magnus Johansson, “Pressekreterarnas inflytande” [The influence of press secretaries], Swedish Radio, Medierna, 6 August 2022. 

• Milda Malling, since the publication of her doctoral thesis, participation in Lithuanian and Swedish media on journalism, media and politics in Lithuania and Sweden, in particular.

• Milda Malling, “Formella och informella relationer mellan journalister och deras källor” [Formal and informal relations between journalists and their sources], Swedish Radio, Medierna, 29 May 2021. 

• Milda Malling, “Vem bestämmer vad politikerna bryr sig om?” [Who decides what the politicians care about?], Seminar, Visby, 3 July 2019. 

• Gunnar Nygren, “Journalisterna, politikerna och kampen om agendan” [The journalists, the politicians and the fight for the agenda], Seminar, Centre for Business and Policy Studies, SNS, Stockholm, 9 April 2019. 

• Tom Moring and Gunnar Nygren, “Politikens makt över medier” [The power of politics over media], Talk, Södertörn University, 5 April 2019.

• Karl Magnus Johansson, “Journalisters minskade makt över agendan” [The reduced power of journalists over the agenda], Swedish Radio, Medierna, 2 March 2019. 

• Karl Magnus Johansson and Gunnar Nygren, “Även svenska medier styrs alltmer effektivt av politiken” [Swedish media are also increasingly efficiently controlled by the politics], DN Debatt, Dagens Nyheter, 3 February 2019.

Press releases and news articles

• “Ny bok: Regeringens kommunikationsapparat får konsekvenser för makt och demokrati” [New book: The government’s communication apparatus has consequences for power and democracy]. Press release [based on interview with Karl Magnus Johansson about his recently published book], Södertörn University, 22 December 2022.

• “Ny bok: Regeringens kommunikationsapparat får konsekvenser för makt och demokrati” [New book: The government’s communication apparatus has consequences for power and democracy]. News article [based on interview with Karl Magnus Johansson about his recently published book], Södertörn University, 21 December 2022.

• “Regeringens pressekreterare har allt mer makt” [The government’s press secretaries have more and more power]. News article [based on interview with Karl Magnus Johansson about his journal article co-authored with Elena Johansson], Södertörn University, 26 November 2021. (Also available at

• “Ministerns nära medarbetare – så jobbar Regeringskansliets pressekreterare” [The Minister’s close aide - this is how the Government Offices’ press secretaries work]. Press release [based on interview with Karl Magnus Johansson about his journal article co-authored with Elena Johansson], Södertörn University, 25 November 2021.

Book launch

• 18 February 2019. Södertörn University.

Poster presentations

• Poster session presentations at the Research Day of the School of Social Sciences, Södertörn University, 10 December 2015 and 15 December 2016.

Project workshops

• Project workshop 1. 5 September 2014. Södertörn University.

• Project workshop 2. 12-13 March 2015. Södertörn University. Guest: Zvi Reich.

• Project workshop 3. 17-18 March 2016. Södertörn University.

• Project workshop 4. 8-9 December 2016. Södertörn University.

• Project workshop 5. 14 June 2017. Park Hotel, Ljubljana.

• Project workshop 6. 15 December 2017. Södertörn University.

• Project workshop 7. 24 May 2018. Charles University, Prague.

Seminars (selection)

• Zvi Reich, Ben-Gurion University, Israel, “The de-specialization of news reporting in an increasingly specialized world”, Södertörn University, 11 March 2015.

• Aeron Davis, Goldsmiths College, London, “Media-Source Relations in the Era of Mediatized Politicians and Politicized Journalists”, Södertörn University, 12 November 2015.

Conference participation (selection)

• Central and East European Communication and Media Consortium (CEECOM) (Zagreb 2015, Tartu 2016, Ljubljana 2017, Sofia 2019)

• International Journal of Press/Politics (Oxford 2016)

• Future of Journalism (Cardiff 2017)

• Nordic Political Science Association (NOPSA) (Odense 2017)

• NordMedia (Tampere 2017, Malmö 2019)

• International Communication Association (ICA) (Prague 2018, virtual 2021)

• Political Studies Association Media and Politics Group (Leeds 2019)