
A doctoral thesis, an edited volume, a monograph, various journal articles and conference papers are the principal deliverables of the project.


• Johansson, Karl Magnus. 2022. The Prime Minister–Media Nexus: Centralization Logic and Application. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.

Doctoral thesis

• Malling, Milda. 2022. The Story Behind the News: Informal and Invisible Interactions between Journalists and Their Sources in Two Countries. Sundsvall: Mid Sweden University.

Edited volume

• Johansson, Karl Magnus, and Gunnar Nygren, eds. 2019. Close and Distant: Political Executive–Media Relations in Four Countries. Gothenburg: Nordicom.

Chapters in edited volume

• Nygren, Gunnar, and Karl Magnus Johansson. “The interplay of media and the political executive: Introduction and framework”.

• Niemikari, Risto, Tapio Raunio, and Tom Moring. “Finland: Informal interdependence and occasional clashes”.

• Balčytienė, Auksė, and Milda Malling. “Lithuania: Media-politics interaction shaped by benefits-oriented reasoning”.

• Dobek-Ostrowska, Bogusława, and Jacek Nożewski. Poland: Independent vs servile relationships”. 

• Johansson, Karl Magnus, Milda Malling, and Gunnar Nygren. “Sweden: A professionally symbiotic relationship”.

• Johansson, Karl Magnus, and Tapio Raunio. “Government communication in a comparative perspective”.

• Johansson, Elena. “Social media in political communication: A substitute for conventional media?”.

• Malling, Milda. “Power and exchange in formal and informal interaction between journalists and their sources”.

• Nygren, Gunnar, and Risto Niemikari. “Media logics as parts of the political toolkit: A critical discussion on theories of mediatisation of politics”.

• Balčytienė, Auksė, and Tom Moring. “Variations in political communication culture: New forms of political parallelisms and media-politics coalitions”.

• Johansson, Karl Magnus, and Gunnar Nygren. “Locked in a mutual dependency: Media and the political executive in close interplay”.

Chapter in edited volume

• Johansson, Karl Magnus. 2024. “Prime Ministerial Media Advisers: Demystifying the Spin Doctor”, in Political Management in Practice: Lessons from around the Globe, ed. Jennifer Lees-Marshment. London: Routledge, 91–105. DOI: 10.4324/9781003260677-7

Articles in peer-review journals 

• Johansson, Elena, and Jacek Nożewski. 2018. “Polish and Swedish journalist-politician Twitter networks: Who are the gatekeepers?”. Central European Journal of Communication 11(2): 129–150. DOI:

• Johansson, Elena, and Karl Magnus Johansson. 2022. “Along the government–media frontier: Press secretaries offline/online”. Journal of Public Affairs 22 (S1): e2759. DOI:

• Johansson, Karl Magnus. 2021. “Stärker mediemakten regeringsmakten?” [Does media power strengthen governmental power?]. Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift [Swedish Journal of Political Science] 123 (1): 5–25.

Johansson, Karl Magnus. “I am the gatekeeper”: Why and how ministerial media advisers have been empowered”, accepted for publication in Frontiers in Political Science, section Comparative Governance.  

• Johansson, Karl Magnus, and Tapio Raunio. 2020. “Centralizing Government Communication? Evidence from Finland and Sweden”. Politics & Policy 48 (6): 1138-1160. DOI:

• Malling, Milda. 2021. “Sources that Trigger the News: Multiplexity of Social Ties in News Discovery”. Journalism Studies 22 (10): 1298–1316. DOI:

• Malling, Milda. 2023. “Reconstructing the Informal and Invisible: Interactions Between Journalists and Political Sources in Two Countries”. Journalism Practice 17(4): 683–703. DOI:

• Malling, Milda. 2024. “How the Social Complements, Extends or Replaces the Professional: Autonomy and Adaptation in Journalist–Source Relationships”. Journalism Practice. Published online 6 February 2024. DOI: 10.1080/17512786.2024.2313148

Papers in progress or under review

Johansson, Elena, and Karl Magnus Johansson. “Government and Social Media: A Shift to Centralization?”.  

• Malling, Milda. “Trust is context dependent: Reconstruction of trust dynamics between journalists and their sources”.  

Reports and popular science publications 

• Johansson, Karl Magnus. 2018. “Statsministern och medierna” [The prime minister and the media], in Snabbtänkt: Reflektioner från valet 2018 av ledande forskare, edited by Lars Nord, Marie Grusell, Niklas Bolin, and Kajsa Falasca. Sundsvall: Demicom.

• Johansson, Karl Magnus, and Tapio Raunio. 2023. “Government Communication in Finland and Sweden”. Baltic Rim Economies 3/2023.

Conference papers (selection)

• Balčytienė, Auksė, and Milda Malling. 2017. “Media and politics in Lithuania: From uneasy to professionalized relationship”. Paper prepared for presentation at the CEECOM conference, Ljubljana, June 15–17, 2017.

• Balčytienė, Auksė, and Tom Moring. 2018. “Variations in political communication culture: new forms of political parallelisms and media-politics coalitions”. Paper presented at the ICA conference, Prague, May 24–28, 2018.

• Dobek-Ostrowska, Bogusława, and Jacek Nożewski. 2017. “Political executive and media relations in democratic Poland: The third decade of experience”. Paper presented at the CEECOM conference, Ljubljana, June 15–17, 2017.

• Johansson, Elena. 2017. “Swedish government communication in social media: a press secretary-mediated channel?”. Paper presented at the NOPSA congress, Odense, August 8–11, 2017.

• Johansson, Elena. 2018. “Social media for top politicians: comparative case illustrations from Finland, Poland and Sweden”. Paper presented at the ICA conference, Prague, May 24–28, 2018.

• Johansson, Elena, and Jacek Nożewski. 2017. “Polish and Swedish journalists’ source networks in Twitter: Who takes control?”. Paper presented at the CEECOM conference, Ljubljana, June 15–17, 2017.

• Johansson, Elena, and Karl Magnus Johansson. 2019. “Along the government–media frontier: Press secretaries offline/online”. Paper presented at the CEECOM conference, Sofia, June 19–21, 2019.

• Johansson, Karl Magnus, Milda Malling, and Gunnar Nygren. 2017. “Sweden – “professionally symbiotic” relations”. Paper presented at the CEECOM conference, Ljubljana, June 15–17, 2017.

• Johansson, Karl Magnus, and Tapio Raunio. 2018. “Government communication in comparative perspective”. Paper presented at the ICA conference, Prague, May 24–28, 2018.

• Malling, Milda. 2016. “Professionalized political communication vs. speedy-journalism: who gains the power?”. Paper presented at the second annual International Journal of Press/Politics conference, Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, University of Oxford, September 28–30, 2016.

• Malling, Milda. 2018. “Formal and informal interaction: power and exchange between journalists and their political sources (Lithuania and Sweden)”. Paper presented at the ICA conference, Prague, May 24–28, 2018.

• Malling, Milda. 2019. “Informal and Invisible Sources in Political Coverage in Lithuania and Sweden”. Paper presented at the NordMedia PhD student preconference, Malmö, August 19–20, 2019.

• Malling, Milda. 2019. “Reconstructing the Invisible: Informal and Invisible Sources in Two Countries”. Paper presented at the international conference “From Economic to Political Informality: Exploring the Link between Shadow Practices, Policy Making and Development”, Lund University, September 17–19, 2019.

• Malling, Milda. 2019. “The invisibles: Informal and unmentioned sources in the political coverage in two countries”. Paper presented at the Political Studies Association Media and Politics Group conference “Politics and Performance”, University of Leeds, December 16–17, 2019.

• Malling, Milda. 2021. “Multiplexity of Trust Between Journalists and Their Sources: Situational and General, Formal and Informal Contexts”. Paper presented at the ICA conference (virtual), May 27–31, 2021.

• Niemikari, Risto, Tapio Raunio, and Tom Moring. 2017. “Informal interdependence: Relations between the political executive and media in Finland”. Paper presented at the CEECOM conference, Ljubljana, June 15–17, 2017.

• Nożewski, Jacek. 2018. “Professional relations between politicians, journalists and press secretaries in Poland”. Paper presented at the ICA conference, Prague, May 24–28, 2018.

• Nygren, Gunnar, and Risto Niemikari. 2018. “Journalists and political power – mediatization and political instrumentalization”. Paper presented at the ICA conference, Prague, May 24–28, 2018.